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Anubis de Xonnydeby

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Registered Name: Anubis de Xonnydeby
Breeder: Arancha Ruiperez Moslares
Kennel: XonnyDeby
Sire: Welshriverdee That's My Boy
Dam: Hela
Call Name: Anubis
Sex: male
Date of Birth: 28 October 2018
Date of Death:
Land of Birth: Spain
Land of Standing: Spain
Colour: Black and White
Coat: Rough (long)
Hip score:
Elbow score:
Distinguishing Features:
Known Offspring:
Adur Xonnydeby
Crow de Xonnydeby
Darwin de Xonnydeby
Elliot is my dad de Xonnydeby
Fuga de Xonnydeby
Hiro Nakamura de Xonnydeby
Hooked on obedience de Xonnydeby
Jackson Chace de Xonnydeby
Jung de Xonnydeby
Marvel Boy de Xonnydeby
Mei de Xonnydeby
Murphy de Xonnydeby
Nyx De Xonnydeby
Riujin de Xonnydeby
Saya De Xonnydeby
Thais de Xonnydeby
That's my girl de Xonnydeby
The Mighty Rarnarok de Xonnydeby
The Monster Of Loch Ness De Xonnydeby
Tokio de Xonnydeby
Trek de Xonnydeby
William Wallace de Xonnydeby
Xec de Xonnydeby
Zizou de Xonnydeby
Anubis de Xonnydeby

Welshriverdee That's My Boy

Mawlch Wisp

Eiri Greme Gwen

Mawlch Lynn

Never Never Land U'Revenge

Rising Sun Dark Raider

Never Never Land Just Wait'n See

Grimhillcottage's Xanadu
Deby du Domaine de Jolea

Tweed des Hauts de Malforet
Suzy du Hameau du Chateau