Border Collie pedigree database
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There were 14161 dogs found matching your search criteria. Displaying 351-400 of 14161

Name Sex Sire Dam Colour Year of Birth
Tib female RipNell 1961
Rip male Vic IIMeg Black and White
Meg female GlenNan Black and White 1957
Vic II male VicNan Black and White
Tweed male Bill IITib Black and White 1963
Nell female VicGyp Black and White 1969
Moss female MacMeg 1965
Jen female SethPeg Black and White
Moss male Clwyd BobEryri Nan Black and White 2021
Eryri Nan female Llangadog GaryEryri Dot Black and White 2020
Waitby Boz male JockKemi Maeve Black and White 2022
Jean female MossFleet Black and White 1958
Ben male SpotMeg Black and White 1979
Jan female BenNell Black and White 1965
Nel female GlenDel Black and White
Locheil Highland Corrie male Clan-Abby Blue AberdooneLocheil Lady Shuna Black and White 1997
Nell female Ness Black and White 1992
Skay female CapNell Chocolate & White 1996
Sian female DonMeed Black Tricolour 1985
Chance female BladeJan Black and White 1978
Gwen female BenNel Black Tricolour 1987
Dale male JaffNan Black and White 1969
Bell JimMeg Gwynion Black and White 2004
Meg Gwynion female MirkJill Black and White 2001
Mirk male MirkEryri Jiwdi Black and White 1997
Chamray Babs female JoeBell Black and White 2007
Mag female MirkKate Black and White 1980
Llystyn Pat female CapMag Black and White 1981
Jess female Gawcombe GlenGel Black and White 1996
Taff male GlenJess Black and White 2001
Besford Davey BranMeg Black Tricolour 2011
Meg female TaffThornbury Peg Black and White 2006
Sweep male RobJill Black Tricolour 1980
Grace female Royalwood KrisNell Black and White 1993
Wally male SweepTess Black Tricolour 1987
Nell female WallyBeth Black Tricolour 1992
Beth female JaffNell Black Tricolour 1988
Thornbury Peg female Rhydale TaffThornbury Cassie Chocolate Tricolour 2003
Roy male RoyJess Black Tricolour 1985
Cap male RoyMeg Black Tricolour 1995
Judy female GlenDot Black and White 2001
Rose female Dunedin GemDot Black Tricolour 2002
Thistlemist As Good As Gold female Rosehurst Go For GoldDekdays Polly at Thistlemist Black Tricolour 1996
Thistlemist St Finnans Bell female Airdsmoss AdamDekdays Polly at Thistlemist Black and White 1995
Thistlemist Diamond White male Dekdays ShepRedside Ellie at Thistlemist Black and White 1994
Razda Quest For Gold female Razda CanundrumRazda Bonnie Brenda Chocolate & White 1996
Arniston Taurus male Merrybrook Clansman At ArnistonViber Black Bianca At Arniston Black and White 1989
Moonlight Shadow At Razda female Arniston TaurusViber Carousel JW Black and White 1992
Fells Joshua male SpotFells Wispa Black and White 1997
Fells Wispa female WispMindrum Holly Of Fells Black and White 1991