Border Collie pedigree database
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Welcome to Border Collie pedigree database

* * We currently have 55157 dogs in the database and 32106 registered users! * *

Dear Border Collie lovers, we need your help to make this site better.

It's been many years this site served you well, but it becomes technically outdated and needs a major rework to bring ease of use and support for new technologies to the table. We already work on a major new version of this site and made considerable investments in both infrastructure and development over last two years. As this project is non-profit and community-based, we rely deeply on your help to succeed.

Please consider making a donation of €5, €10, €20 or whatever you can to support us in keeping this project evolving.

You can start exploring the website by following one of these links:

Newest Entries - here you find the newest entries and latest updates of existing entries

Search Dogs - use our search form to look for dogs fulfilling your search criteria

Browse Dogs - browse through all dogs available in our database


  We hope you will enjoy your visit to Border Collie pedigree database